Patient charter

Patient charter for The Orchard Partnership

All members of our primary care team are dedicated to a quality service to achieve health interventions which meet each patient’s individual requirements. We constantly strive to improve the services we offer locally and endeavour to respond to changing health needs.

As part of this process we have developed a Patients Charter which outlines what patients may expect from us at The Orchard Partnership, and in return our expectations of our patients.

Patients rights

As a patient within the NHS you have many rights – these are outlined in detail within the NHS Constitution but include the following:

  • Access to health services – free and open and local.
  • Quality of care and environment – professional, clean, safe and continuously improving to ensure best current practice.
  • Respect, consent and confidentiality – dignity, respect, privacy and confidentiality, information about proposed treatments.
  • Informed choice – of your GP practice and who you see within that organisation, ensuring you are involved in choices about your care.
  • Complaints and redress – any complaint should be dealt with efficiently and in an open manner.

In addition to those mentioned above we endeavour to ensure

  • All new patients will receive a copy of the practice leaflet and copies will be displayed at the reception desk.
  • When changes are introduced to Partnership procedures that affect patients, we will ensure that these are clearly explained giving as much notice as practicable.
  • All new patients will be offered a health check when joining the surgery.
  • All patients are kept informed of current health issues and the best practice as regards their own health.
  • The surgery building will be welcoming, easy for patients to find their way around and appropriate to the needs of users, including the disabled.
  • When the surgery is closed we will do everything possible to ensure that our system for contacting the duty doctor is easy to follow, reliable and effective.
  • You have appropriate access to your own medical records if requested.
  • Urgent referrals to other health and social care agencies will be made within one working day of the patient consultation.
  • Surgeries will start on time. Some of our practices operate an open surgery system so there may be a wait to be seen. In the event of an exceptional delay we will offer an explanation.
  • Patients are able to avail themselves of the skills of other colleagues within The Orchard Partnership – although that may mean travelling to one of our sister practices.

Patient responsibilities

With these rights come responsibilities and for the patients this means:

  • Courtesy to the doctors and staff at all times.
  • Treating other patients with respect.
  • Responding in a positive way to questions asked by the reception staff.
  • Providing accurate information about your health, condition and status.
  • Following an agreed course of treatment and taking responsibility for aspects of your own health.
  • Attending appointments on time or giving the organisation adequate notice that they wish to cancel. This is especially important for the hospital.
  • Patients should make every effort when consulting the surgery to make best use of nursing and medical time – home visits should be medically justifiable and not requested for social convenience.
  • Out-of-hours calls (e.g. evenings; nights & weekends) should only be requested if they are felt to be truly necessary.
  • Giving 48 hours’ notice for repeat prescriptions as it allows for accurate dispensing.
    Coming to the surgery being able to pay for a prescription if necessary.

We strongly believe in the values and practices of the NHS and by using its resources appropriately will strive to maximise the healthcare of all our patients. That process is a two-way partnership and working together perhaps that aspiration can become reality.